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SayWhat 72F
95 posts
12/23/2024 2:44 pm
The Lord is There.

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SayWhat 72F
126 posts
12/23/2024 2:50 pm


Urban_Hermit 70M
339 posts
12/24/2024 2:17 pm


I notice this site is closing on the 15th January. I sometimes go to the S.S.F. site under the handle hermitinthecity but not often. Not sure if they'll close that down too some day. Hope all is well?

God bless.


Judgement Day will be interesting.

Urban_Hermit 70M
339 posts
12/24/2024 4:13 pm


Some times things in life are backwards. ua.moc.mada 'ta' timrehnabru
I'm sure you'll understand my bad spelling if you want to stay in touch. God bless.

Judgement Day will be interesting.

SayWhat 72F
126 posts
12/24/2024 5:58 pm

    Quoting Urban_Hermit:

    Some times things in life are backwards. ua.moc.mada 'ta' timrehnabru
    I'm sure you'll understand my bad spelling if you want to stay in touch. God bless.
What? This site is closing on the 15th of January? I'd better start putting my BC writing on Cloud, like yesterday?!!

And yes, sometimes things in life are backwards... check your post. Let's keep in touch!

Urban_Hermit 70M
339 posts
12/27/2024 12:05 am

When I was '15' I knew a girl called 'Claire' She lived in my Street'. She was a bit crazy but ok. Her parents would sometimes take us out to various places in South Australia. We'd end up near the beach or sometimes go to a place called Ridgehaven were there was a Chinese restaurant. She would behave badly quite often. We'd also see her auntie who was 50 and a bit loopy too, and her grandmother who was 97 but was more sensible. But she moved a few years later and I didnt see her again.

Judgement Day will be interesting.

SayWhat 72F
126 posts
12/27/2024 10:39 am

    Quoting Urban_Hermit:
    When I was '15' I knew a girl called 'Claire' She lived in my Street'. She was a bit crazy but ok. Her parents would sometimes take us out to various places in South Australia. We'd end up near the beach or sometimes go to a place called Ridgehaven were there was a Chinese restaurant. She would behave badly quite often. We'd also see her auntie who was 50 and a bit loopy too, and her grandmother who was 97 but was more sensible. But she moved a few years later and I didnt see her again.
Umm... Urban? Not sure what you are wanting to convey here. Are you being cryptic? 15? Claire? Street?

Urban_Hermit 70M
339 posts
12/27/2024 11:18 pm

you got it.

Judgement Day will be interesting.

Urban_Hermit 70M
339 posts
12/27/2024 11:21 pm

Can talk in Chat, although it looks like Adult Friend Friend Finder the chat room is still the Old B.C. one. Name a time that suits you to chat if you wish. Not much time left really to zero in on things. Can meet in the Lobby, I left a message on my last post but I guess you didnt see it yet. Not sure it they are letting any new posts up either.

Judgement Day will be interesting.

Urban_Hermit 70M
339 posts
12/27/2024 11:39 pm

Life is funny. When I was sixty one I felt like I was forty one years old but at fifty nine I felt like I was forty seven years old. But silly me when I was seventeen I felt like I was five years old. It's a pity we cant swap numbers isnt it? Although I cannot dial international as my plan doesnt allow it, I could use a friend's phone if I organised it. Problem is how on earth would we swap numbers? Any idea?

Judgement Day will be interesting.

SayWhat 72F
126 posts
12/28/2024 4:40 pm

    Quoting Urban_Hermit:
    Life is funny. When I was sixty one I felt like I was forty one years old but at fifty nine I felt like I was forty seven years old. But silly me when I was seventeen I felt like I was five years old. It's a pity we cant swap numbers isnt it? Although I cannot dial international as my plan doesnt allow it, I could use a friend's phone if I organised it. Problem is how on earth would we swap numbers? Any idea?
You are cracking me up! I'm 72 years old and lemme tell ya, I can feel every year of it, while I shamelessly behave like a fixated adolescent. I do my best to stay in shape, which usually entails hashing up old dance exercises that I perform in the privacy of my own home.

Let's hope that BC stays online for at least enough time for us two geniuses to figure out a way to stay in touch!

In the meantime I'll check out the Lobby.

Urban_Hermit 70M
339 posts
12/28/2024 8:41 pm

    Quoting SayWhat:
    You are cracking me up! I'm 72 years old and lemme tell ya, I can feel every year of it, while I shamelessly behave like a fixated adolescent. I do my best to stay in shape, which usually entails hashing up old dance exercises that I perform in the privacy of my own home.

    Let's hope that BC stays online for at least enough time for us two geniuses to figure out a way to stay in touch!

    In the meantime I'll check out the Lobby.
I hope you understood what I was trying to say, numbers can be interesting but word play can be also. Maybe you can tell me the ages you felt different also if you know what I mean. Could be worth saving them for future reference.Do you like cryptic? SFF blogs have ceased, it's only a matter of time when these blogs will also cease, could even be before you get this. Dont know. Read the privacy policy on wireclub, not good. They can keep your info forever and with A.I. that could have repercussions in the future if you have a political or religious view not approved on in the future. But I digress.

One thing though, I'm grateful for the site giving us a free run all these years, lots of people have been blessed by them putting it up for us. Not sure how to thank them. A lot are grumbling because it's shutting down but I'm grateful for the time and fun they've given us.

T.C. God bless.

Judgement Day will be interesting.

Urban_Hermit 70M
339 posts
12/28/2024 8:58 pm

Not sure if we got our times mixed up, just went to the Lobby here in B.C. The conversion timetable I got said 4.30pm Adelaide is 10pm Californian time. That's my understanding. Will try again in an hour as right now it's 3.30pm my time. Will try the Lobby again. Depends on when you see this post though.

Judgement Day will be interesting.

Urban_Hermit 70M
339 posts
12/28/2024 11:32 pm

I think an email went through this time. God bless

Judgement Day will be interesting.

SayWhat 72F
126 posts
1/3/2025 4:17 pm

    Quoting Urban_Hermit:
    I think an email went through this time. God bless